If you hang out in any online male-focused group you will hear all about this.
"Modern Western women are too entitled to date nowadays, it's pointless if you are not 6 feet 6 inches 6 figures".
Is there any truth to this?

If you're subscribed to my email newsletter you already know the answer: yes it's true.
Modern women from Western countries in particular (Western Europe, North America) generally feel a strong sense of entitlement to men's time, attention and resources.
In this article I want to explain why, to which extent and what to do about it.
By the way at the time of writing I have lived in over 20 countries and dated hundreds of women from various cultures which I why I believe my experience is relevant to the topic. |
Because make no mistake, you can still very well get a rockstar dating life as a normal guy.
And by the end of this article you will understand why "entitlement" really is a non-issue.
Let's dive in.
Why Are Western Women So Entitled?
I must start this article by stating the obvious: not all women are the same.
You can find many very humble and down to Earth women in the West, the same way there are shallow women from other countries/cultures.
But it is true western women have a tendency to simply not value men as much as other cultures. Which is by the way why I would recommend anyone looking for a devoted long term partner to raise their kids to look towards Asian and more traditional countries.
Back to the topic at hand...
There are 3 main reasons or "influences" pushing women towards entitlement.
I don't like to quote Andrew Tate but he was right on that one :
"Women are either influenced by society, or by the man they date".
Because nobody is born entitled, it is learned behavior. In my eyes those 3 influences are:
Cultural influences
Psychological biases
Economical factors
Cultural Entitlement
You saw it coming: feminism. While feminism has achieved significant progress, some interpretations have led to an expectation of special treatment and entitlement.
Getting a Participation Trophy "Just Because"
Some women believe that they should get all the benefits of being a man with none of the disadvantages - and of course that is a personality flaw and a red flag.
It doesn't help that we live in a society where everyone gets a "participation trophy".
Extremely attractive and deserving women being entitled is one thing, they worked for it.
Hours at the beauty salon, painful surgeries, thousands of squats, days spent supporting their loved ones.
But when even women who never set a foot in the gym or the nail salon believe they will get their reward in the end "just because", then there is a problem.
Social Media is P*rn to Women
Social media only goes to exacerbate the problem because it gives even mid women access to men's attention without lifting a finger.
It is my strong opinion that social media is to women what p*rn is to men. And you know what happens when you watch too much porn. You get a wrong sense of reality and substitute actual human interactions with pixels on a screen.
You become lazy and expect quick, cheap dopamine
You dehumanize and objectify people
You can't relate to others anymore
But again this is a character flaw and simply a bad habit that smart women will fix.
This is not a female only problem by the way - lazy men too feel entitled to greatness.
Keep it in mind and never stop working on yourself.
Life does not, in fact, give out participation trophies.
Psychological Entitlement
I touched on social media above, it creates a ton of obvious problems.
Let's take an average woman. While in real life she'd get approached maybe 2-3 times a week, as soon as she shows some cheeks on Instagram she's getting 5-10 new DMs from thirsty random guys EACH DAY.
Now imagine what it's like for a slightly above average woman lol. Hard to not become at least a little bit narcissistic.
In fact a while ago I asked my sexy DJ girlfriend to show me what her IG inbox looked like.
Dozens upon dozens of DMs from strangers trying to slide.
Of course women get an inflated ego from social media.
How could they not? How would you react if you received 10 messages per day from random girls asking you out?
The Cognitive Bias of Entitlement
Add to this the usual human psychological bias : we all hate taking responsibility.
On my Instagram account I film myself approaching women to show how flirting works live.
One of the girls I approached turned out to be a model. And without being too stereotypical, let's just say models are not usually the most spiritual women.
We went on a date and she spent a good 45 minutes explaining to me how hard her life was, and how she was lonely, and how it was everyone's fault.
So yeah, I left right after we were done eating our ice cream.
But this illustrated perfectly this phenomenon: we as human beings have a tendency to blame others and expect others to solve problems for us.
Now couple this fact with being a woman and being hot, you know you will always have a line of guys ready to solve 100% of your problems.
If that were you, wouldn't you be tempted?
A Fake Reality
On top of that, social media tends to portray a very skewed society.
You only see attractive people on social media because people like to see attractive people.
And the algorithm just pushes more of what people like to see.
But if the majority of what you see is attractive, it doesn't mean that in reality the majority of the population is like that.
It's kind of like saying all the people you see in movies are attractive, so most of the population gotta be attractive.
No, they are actors in movies BECAUSE they are attractive.
The people you see on social media, you see them BECAUSE they are attractive.
But go explain that to a 21 years old lol.
All she sees are hot girls and cool guys on Instagram, therefore that's what reality must be, right? Right?!?
Economical Entitlement
Now let's address the $$$ question.
To a lot of women, it is just normal for men to provide. It is not related to being attracted to them, it is not even related to dating. To some women, men are just the ones who pay, period.
And there is an argument to be made here: men traditionally are the ones who bring in the money. So some women may feel entitled to a man's money just for the sake of being his companion. You see this a lot in Asian and Eastern European countries.
But hey, in Western countries we have social security!
So why need men anymore? Strong boss women can pay for themselves, and when they can't, the society (that's built and supported by men) will.
The Hypergamy Trap
If even money is not a concern, why need a man?
This line of thinking is why women feel entitled to only the best men. And by best I mean "better than them".
It's full on hypergamy.
This is what entitlement creates. Women are choosers, men are beggars
Always trying to outdo each others for crumbs.
Is it a game you want to play? Always competing, trying to be better than the next guy for a bit of female attention?
This is a TRAP because this is NOT a game you can win.
There is always a guy who is more fun than you.
There is always a guy who is wealthier than you.
There is always a guy who is taller, fitter, better endowed than you.
And of course if you are an average guy: just forget about it.
So why even play that game?
I have a solution for you below...
Western Women are Entitled - So What?
Being entitled is simply a character flaw among others. There's a bunch of very nice girls who never use social media, always pay for their own drinks, etc.
As a man you are always free to walk away from someone you dislike if they just suck as a person.
At the end of the day I am trying to convey mainly this one things through this article:
It is what it is - so what are you gonna do about it?
And to be fair, if us men were in the situation women are in right now, can we say that we wouldn't act exactly the same way?
Would you not put your Venmo link in your Instagram bio knowing very well it just works and takes 0 effort?
I don't know about you, I love it when girls treat me to dinner, I can't say I'd act differently if the roles were reversed... :)
But also, and more importantly, it does not even matter.
Because when you understand how to attract women you can simply stop playing that silly entitlement game.
You win the game by not playing it.
Let me explain.
Do Not Play The Entitlement Game
What works now is to focus on displaying why you are attractive first and foremost.
She needs to know why talking to you is a win from the get-go.
Later, you can be nice, you can take care of her, you can provide, you can wife her up, etc.
But there is an order to these things. You have to do the right thing at the right time. If you don't know what I am talking about, watch my video on how seduction works.
And so, women being "entitled" is not a problem when you know what to do.
It's not a problem when instead of playing by these rules (be a nice provider, etc) you play by different rules.
Attraction Beats Entitlement
I see it every time I go out and mingle. I talk to people in a certain way, and girls stop listening to their boyfriends to chase for my attention.
(Honestly it's gotten to such a point it's become a problem for me now as other guys who do not know about seduction & pickup often get jealous but that's a whole other topic ...........)
Yes women might feel entitled to men's attention, yes they might act blasé when guys try to get to know them or to buy them drinks...
But again, these are dating rules from the past.
When you embody the behaviors that are inherently attractive to women, however entitled she feels becomes irrelevant because now she is chasing you.
And getting women to chase you solves all the problems:
When she is chasing you she is paying attention to every single thing you say.
When she is chasing you she wants to prove to you that she is a good girl.
When she is chasing you she is not trying to get free drinks/meals/dinners out of you.
She just wants you to like her and give her attention.
And women love that. Because no other guy EVER makes them even WANT to chase.
Attraction is NOT a Choice
Trust me, the world would be a better place if more men "behaved attractive" by default, but it's not where we're at currently.
In simple words, most guys behave "beta" (I know, that's an oversimplification, but you get my point). They act in ways that repel women. They do not act in ways that compel women.
And when once in a blue moon there's a guy who does not, that guy stands out.
Be that guy.
That's why you need to understand the triggers that generate attraction in a woman for a man.
Be the one she makes exceptions for.
Because a woman being attracted to a man is not a conscious choice.
It's a result of various factors. Of course, everyone is on a spectrum. But at the end of the day everyone is more or less the same.
For example every human being more or less enjoys the taste of sweet food. That's how our brains are wired. Because being able to recognize food that is helpful to our survival is hard wired into our brains for thousands of years.
In the same way, every woman on Earth more or less enjoys specific attractive behaviors and traits in a man.
If you "behave attractive" women will have no choice but to be attracted to you.
Now bear in mind that generating attraction alone is not enough to get plenty of dates, but knowing this will already put you above most of the male population by a longshot.
The Attraction Triggers
This is literally the cheat code to date modern women.
While all the other guys grind and chase women for very little results...
You can flip the script and get women to chase you.
To completely negate however entitled they may be.
Here is one very simple, concrete example of how you can flip the script :
The next time a woman asks you what you do for a living, reply with 1-word answers.
Instead of being an open book, make her work for her answer. And watch as she starts chasing and asking you for more.
And it's just an example.
There are many other things you can do to get entitled women to feel "oh, getting this guy's attention is not easy, let me try harder".
If you want to dig deeper, I've got a free course that goes deep into these attractive traits and behaviors, you can watch it here.
Take care.