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Instead of asking your friends for dating advice...

Come Get Answers Inside the

And learn dating strategies that actually work!

Here is what's inside the Mastermind

✅ Immediate feedback
Having a tough time dealing with a girl you met? You ask questions, you get answers. Simple!

Video Recordings of my Approaches & Dates
​I know you want the juice, here it is. Learn from private infields that I can't share anywhere else!

✅ How to Make Things Sexual (& Get Laid) on the First Date

I used to share these on social media but got banned... Come learn this secret knowledge!

✅ A Personalized Action Plan

Every new member gets a personal look at their current dating situation & clear steps forward!

✅ Weekly Group Calls
Jump on our weekly group calls to dive deep into specific concepts, live Q&A sessions included!

✅ A Complete Dating Course

Learn Game and how to pick up girls in any situation with step-by-step action plans and exercises!

✅ My Anti-Needy Dating System
Tired of other coaches having you approach endlessly? Come learn how we get girls to chase!

✅ A Community to Keep You Accountable

Network & get motivated to push forward through the other action-takers in the community!

✅ Advanced Routines and Techniques
Dozens of field-tested routines and tactics to get girls to chase & make sex happen smoothly!

✅ Text Game Examples
Stop texting like a boomer, learn from hundreds of successful text interactions!

A Ton of Other Resources​
From pre-made Tinder bios to fashion guides, I've cooked it all so you can start right now!

✅ Premium Deals on Bootcamps​​
Get special info on our next worldwide workshops, come hang with us and set the clubs on fire!

✅ An Ever-Growing Community​​
Me and my crew are going out and meeting girls daily. Expect regular new exclusive content!

Why the Mastermind?

Yo bro, it's Max, the guy who runs Insane Flirt.

I made the Mastermind because I know that free "dating advice" groups are really not useful - they are filled with guys who barely go out and never actually talk to hot girls. 

I wanted to make a place where those who want to actually learn Game and efficient dating strategies can gather. A place available to everyone without gating it behind a 5k price tag like most other coaches do. 

Private coaching is available with me of course, but I know that for most people it's a big commitment. So I created the Mastermind to get the best of both worlds: elite dating advice that you can consume at your own pace, within a community of guys who walk the walk instead of talking the talk. 

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